Tenato is pleased to offer multi-lingual market research and marketing services, accommodating and balancing the input of Canadians of many different backgrounds. We can also offer select marketing services in other languages – such as translation of content.
Tenato Strategy has, for many years, had a close relationship with CIWA, the Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, as we have assisted them with research, marketing strategies, and even sales training. CIWA helps place immigrant women into positive career paths by providing cultural and skills training in various fields. Many of the women who come through their program choose to become highly skilled interpreters.
We had the pleasure of working recently with a CIWA interpreter when conducting an intercept survey. The survey involved some quite challenging questions about multi-generational living preferences. These responses would have been impossible to garner in a culturally appropriate way without our interpreter.
Since our interpreter knew over five languages, she was easily able to switch between them. Interestingly, she was able to a visual scan of the attire of the respondent, quickly guess the correct dialect, and then dive into asking questions in the right language, while noting responses in English. That’s quite a feat!
Now knowing first-hand the high quality of interpretation services we can access, we will also be soliciting their cultural interpreters’ input into how we plan other types of research – from depth interviews to focus groups. This enables us to offer market research support in 65 Languages.
With Tenato’s presence in Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary, we are pleased to be able to offer these multi-lingual and multi-cultural market research services in these major cities and anywhere else in Canada. We look forward to hearing how we can assist you. Contact us today to learn more.