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Thoughts from #SocialWest

Managing the Online Reputation of Your Small Business Last month, armed with a tablet and a name tag, I attended my first social media conference – Social West. Held in Calgary, Alberta, the three-day event is spearheaded by Mike Morrison, author of Mike’s Bloggity Blog. Delivering on its promise as the largest social media and…

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View from NYC

   Last month, I attended the annual Mirren conference in New York City to get a barometer on what the marketing and advertising industry is saying and doing. It had been five years since I was at the last conference, and it was quite a shift in emphasis of the discussion. Here’s what I mean….

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Happy 20th Birthday, Tenato!

On Wednesday Tenato celebrated its 20th anniversary. First, we would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who dropped by to share in the merriment. Tenato would not be possible without the entrepreneurial spirit of our clients and the dedication of our associates. 20 years is an important milestone. While we have the…

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Benefits of Slowing Down

All my life I’ve been known as a person with “super energy”– someone who takes on a million things, ploughs through them all, and never slows down. In the past year, I developed an issue with the joints in my feet (the bunion curse of the flat feet, which still ache when I walk despite…

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Reusing Your Content

Spinning Words in Different Ways When you are producing content, always keep in mind other ways you can reuse it. Content is king, or so they say, but if you’re not in the business of producing content, it can be a heavy task to undertake consistently. The reality is that you can’t just produce any…

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Recession-Proofing Strategies

How Tenacity beats Calamity in a Recession If you live in Alberta, there is an “r” word you’re probably sick of hearing. “Oh, calamity! Oh dread! The recession is killing us!” There’s lots of negative media about it out there, in part because the media people themselves are having their own digital-is-killing-us typhoon; they are…

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