Five Tips for Tweeting If you feel like your tweets are always being overlooked and you’re not seeing any retweet action, try these tips to make your posts more noticeable and shareable. 1. Be succinct Remember that the shorter the tweet is, the more likely it is to be retweeted. This is because when someone…
Start Planning Holiday Parties in September
’Tis The Season… To Plan Your Office Holiday Party! Yes, it’s that time already! Can you believe it? It may only be the beginning of September, but employers should be booking space now for their staff holiday celebration. If you’re currently deciding where to take the gang and whether to incorporate any activities, here are…
Targeting Your Content: What is Your Style?
When you write a blog post or a LinkedIn article, are you thinking about what type of content you’re creating? There are three main types and each has a distinct goal. Knowing which type you’re working with and staying on topic will ensure that your message gets through. The three main types on content style…
Pricing for Close Friends and Family
I wrote a blog recently about pricing, advising readers as to why they should not price too low. A reader asked me, “What about pricing for friends and family? Should you have some kind of a discount, or ‘mate rate’?” I’m going to assume, for the purposes of this blog, that the friend or family…
Introducing: Mia, a Short Film by Han Siu
At Tenato, we are very proud of our Associates’ creative talents, so we thought we’d share a great personal achievement recently reached by Han Siu, our Web and Video Producer. Han spent the month of May creating a short film to submit to film festivals across the country, and we were excited to see it….
Customer Appreciation 101
Customer appreciation events, like special sales, lunch & learns or breakfasts, can build excitement about your offerings and foster customer loyalty. Are they a good option for your business? Here’s what you need to know. Who Should Hold a Customer Appreciation Event Customer appreciation events can work for many types of businesses — if there…