What Your Invoice Says About You I was catching up my books for year-end recently, filing through all sorts of invoices I’d received over past months. Many of the invoices made me chuckle. It seems that many small business owners have no clue how to make a respectable invoice. And the problem is, if your…
Welcome Lynda!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Lynda Greuel to our Associate Team as an Event Planner and Project Coordinator on a contracting basis. An event planner you say? Are we in the business of planning events? Not per se, and certainly not “personal” events like family gatherings or weddings. But…
Marketing in Lean Times
When the Going Gets Tough, Let Marketing Maintain Your Strength When the economy falls on hard times, the first move of many business owners is to cut back — and one of the most common places to do so is the marketing budget. This is an ill-advised move that will definitely lower your profits. Maintaining…
Blogs to Follow
Five Blogs You Should Be Following Now KISSmetrics Their software promises to “track, analyze and optimize your digital marketing performance,” and, “show you what’s working and what’s not across all campaigns, mobile and web.” The blog is a wealth of information on digital marketing, from Adwords and social media to metrics and marketing budgets….
Why Build a Newsletter List?
5 Reasons a Newsletter List is Valuable to Any Business When we talk about social media marketing, there is often a heavy focus on Facebook and Twitter, and blogging. I sometimes think that the potential value of e-newsletters is overlooked. Here’s why I’m of the opinion that your newsletter list has value that can’t be…
Harnessing Rookie Energy
How Thinking Like a Rookie Can Energize Your Marketing Strategy Last month I had the pleasure of attending The Art of Marketing in Calgary. I left feeling inspired by the speakers, in particular Liz Wiseman, author of Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work. Wiseman’s talk got me thinking about…