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Rebranding Checklist

Whether it’s a new name or logo, rebranding creates a heap of busywork. Maybe you’re thinking, “Hmm, new business cards, update the website?” It’s a start, but what else is there? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a comprehensive checklist for getting your rebranding done so that you could just start banging things off? Look…

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Welcome, Christina Rowsell!

We are thrilled to welcome Christina Rowsell to the Tenato team as our new PR & Media Relations Associate. For the past 20 years, Christina has been a recognized on-air broadcast professional in Calgary. She started her career flying over the city reporting traffic, and migrated to co-hosting radio morning shows (where she still occasionally…

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Newsletter Frequency

On the Importance of Newsletter Frequency One question that I often hear from clients is how often they should send out their newsletter. Is quarterly often enough to keep clients in the loop? Is monthly too often? No, monthly is not too often. In fact, you should send out your newsletter at least once a…

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Welcome, Samantha!

We are ecstatic to announce that we have hired a new full-time Creative Coordinator, Samantha Boone, to support all our creative project work here at Tenato. With degrees in psychology and graphic design, Samantha brings an amazingly broad skill set that includes exceptional graphic design, writing, and illustration talents. She is also adaptable in many…

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Research & Strategy: Together or Separate?

  Recently, I got into a little debate with a market researcher I’ve known for years. He said, “Don’t you think marketing research and strategy should be kept separate? Clients should be outsourcing market research to one objective firm. That way it won’t be compromised or biased to support a certain strategy.” I always had…

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Bridging Online & Real Life

How to Bridge Online and Offline Relationships In modern business, fostering online relationships is often just as important as maintaining relationships in real life. While real life business relationships tend to be your colleagues, suppliers, customers and industry peers, online relationships can help you find new suppliers, build brand champions, create beneficial partnerships within your…

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