Watch Out For These Four Common Myths of Marketing Strategy So you know you need a marketing strategy — and that’s good! But once you realize you need one, there are stumbling blocks toward having it work FOR you. There is no use putting in the amount of effort that a marketing strategy requires, only…
Category: Blog
Marketing, Branding, Public Relations, SEO, Online Marketing
Facebook Data for Researchers
New Access to User Comments Offers Tangible Marketing Data Last month Facebook announced that they have joined forces with DataSift, a UK software firm, to offer researchers access to what is being said on Facebook about specific events, brands, products or politics. Topic Data, the tool being introduced, could help businesses tailor their brand and…
Communicating With Investors
The Story is the Business, Not the Stock Price It’s long been said that today’s headlines make tomorrow’s trash. If your company is struggling today, make the focus of your investor communications what you’re planning to do for tomorrow. What’s the long-term strategy of your company? During this year’s AGM season, many companies have found…
10 Reasons Why You May Need to Re-brand
What’s in a name? Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” but the truth is, brand names and their associated imagery does matter. Would you rather receive roses from “Budget Flowers” or from “Floral Passion”? One makes you think it’s worth more, that’s for sure. When it comes to your…
New Approaches to Market Research: Part 3
A Round-Up of the 2014 GRIT Report, Part 3 The Green Book Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research publishes an annual report based on a survey of research clients and suppliers. The report, known as the GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) Report, draws on input from over 3000 research professionals, including those from Canada’s Marketing…
New Research Trends: Part 2
A Round-Up of the 2014 GRIT Report, PART 2 The Green Book Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research publishes an annual report based on a survey of research clients and suppliers. The report, known as the GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) Report, draws on input from over 3000 research professionals, including those from Canada’s Marketing…