Almost all businesses know it’s important to keep their clients happy, and be the best vendors they can be. But when it comes to dealing with their own suppliers, they let all their flaws hang out. Payments are late. Demands are high. Instructions are sloppy. And constant favours are the norm. The problem with this…
Category: Blog
Marketing, Branding, Public Relations, SEO, Online Marketing
Marketers Who Don’t Market
Do the World’s Biggest Marketers Actually Avoid Marketing? Call it my crystal ball prediction, but I think the world of advertising is in for a major shift… if today’s Mirren conference discussion is any indication. A bunch of the world’s top advertising agency CEO’s were on a panel, imparting their knowledge to other advertising…
Marketers Must Change or Die but, even for Marketers, Change is Good
If you’re a marketing company, advertising agency, or even an in-house marketing professional, you probably know what when the going gets tough in a company, you and your projects get axed first. It ought NOT to be this way, but it is. On the other side of the fence, which people CAN’T a company easily…
Social Monitoring vs. Polling
Could Social Media Monitoring Have Better Predicted the Alberta Election Results? After reading Joanne O’Connell’s post “Why Were the Polls Wrong?”, I was intrigued by her insight and wondered if social media could shed some light on why there was such a difference between the polling vs. actual results. As Joanne stated, this election had…
Starting a Business while Keeping your Day Job
To be a bit of a fortune teller, here are ten words that I think guarantee business failure. “I’m starting a business, but I’m keeping my day job.” Hmm…it may be an obvious mistake to some people, but it’s sure something I’ve heard many times. Actually, what’s more common is that people do intend to…
Costs of Marketing
How much should you spend on marketing? As a marketing consultant, the most common question people ask me when they call is, “What’s it going to cost?” Which is kind of a funny question, because although I can generally ballpark the cost building a marketing or business plan, what people really want to know is…