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Brand Food for Thought

There are a herd of sacred cows about the professional services brand, not the least of which is the unadventurous perception that professional service brand is more successful the more elitist it is, the more luxuriant the experience for the customer, as if the word “services” stipulates such strict superlative. With this comes the idea…

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Professional Services Branding

The Professional Services Brand Consumer goods and their brands are largely inseparable in their markets.  Coke and Pepsi deliver globally recognized products to customers using a rigid formula for production and packaging that never varies, no matter where in the world the product is sold.  Neither soft drink manufacturer would imagine doing it any differently.  …

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10 Tips for Developing a Creative Company Name

When it comes to developing or finding a company name, few people want to sit down and start reading a dictionary. In fact, the beginning of creating a great brand is to start with research and strategy, and to define what really makes you stand out from your competitors. But once that’s done and you know…

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How to Market a Restaurant, Hotel, or Attraction: 10 Helpful Tips

We just became the newest members of Tourism Calgary!   This is going to be an excellent way to build on our hospitality marketing base.  So, we thought we’d give you some fresh and original marketing tips, designed for attracting visitors to your exciting destination. Do-it-yourself market research.   Have you asked anyone you trust to mystery…

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Customer Loyalty Programs – Real or Bull?

  Ever been in a relationship where you were extremely loyal to your partner, but your partner wasn’t even close to loyal to you? Then perhaps you know where I stand on customer loyalty programs. Businesses all want perfectly loyal customers. And many, many spend a great deal of effort and money on so-called loyalty…

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How to Re-brand

Welcome Back! Now that you’ve seen those funny old brands, we hope you’re ready to hear the adventure we had in getting the new brand up and running.  Here’s the process we went through: 1. Thinking up a great name. Once we finally faced the music and realized that the previous brand just wasn’t strong…

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