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Twitter Tips

Five Tips for Tweeting If you feel like your tweets are always being overlooked and you’re not seeing any retweet action, try these tips to make your posts more noticeable and shareable. 1. Be succinct Remember that the shorter the tweet is, the more likely it is to be retweeted. This is because when someone…

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Targeting Your Content: What is Your Style?

When you write a blog post or a LinkedIn article, are you thinking about what type of content you’re creating? There are three main types and each has a distinct goal. Knowing which type you’re working with and staying on topic will ensure that your message gets through. The three main types on content style…

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Blogs to Follow

Five Blogs You Should Be Following Now   KISSmetrics Their software promises to “track, analyze and optimize your digital marketing performance,” and, “show you what’s working and what’s not across all campaigns, mobile and web.” The blog is a wealth of information on digital marketing, from Adwords and social media to metrics and marketing budgets….

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Why Build a Newsletter List?

5 Reasons a Newsletter List is Valuable to Any Business When we talk about social media marketing, there is often a heavy focus on Facebook and Twitter, and blogging. I sometimes think that the potential value of e-newsletters is overlooked. Here’s why I’m of the opinion that your newsletter list has value that can’t be…

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Social Influence and The Vote

The Role of Social Influencers on Undecided Voters   Alberta Election 2015 We all live busy lives — carting kids to school and sports, ensuring they’re fed and that they did their homework. All that on top of our ever-demanding careers, and carving out time to do our taxes and cheer on our Calgary Flames!…

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Social Media: New Town Hall 

Following the last Alberta election, there was a lot of talk about how social media had been a better predictor of the election results than polls leading up to election day. This may have had a lot to do with the fact that polling ended four days before we voted, but it’s also true that…

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