There are basic marketing elements every business needs, but as you grow, you can take on more and more advanced marketing methods….
Category: Marketing Strategy
Comedy in Marketing – We Dare You!
In a content world suffering with generic, AI-created content, I have a marketing survival tactic that I think you’d really enjoy learning – comedy. If you’re willing to try comedy in marketing, it’s like maple syrup on your oatmeal…it goes from being an unsavory, tasteless blob to something people willingly swallow. Speaking of breakfast cereal…
Looking for Absurdly Big Marketing Ideas?
An insanely large pumpkin inspires big marketing ideas. Why not go bigger than you’ve ever done before and get some publicity or viral social media marketing?…
6 Ways to Make Your Business Friendlier to Immigrants
There are boundless opportunities when you can think “globally” about customers, even if you might be executing only locally. Here are a few ideas to key you started….
Should You Create a Loyalty Program?
Are you hoping to turn occasional customers into more steady, loyal repeat buyers? Perhaps you are already giving some thought to creating your own loyalty program. …
What Does a Strategic Marketing Firm Do?
Before spending time and money on new promotional tools, are you taking the right actions to grow your business toward its ideal vision? …