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Comedy in Marketing – We Dare You!

In a content world suffering with generic, AI-created content, I have a marketing survival tactic that I think you’d really enjoy learning – comedy. If you’re willing to try comedy in marketing, it’s like maple syrup on your oatmeal…it goes from being an unsavory, tasteless blob to something people willingly swallow. Speaking of breakfast cereal…

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“Threat Level Midnight”: If Marketers Ruled The World

I don’t know why this piece on the absurdity of marketers popped into my head, but as soon as it did, I thought I could have some fun with it. Here goes, if marketers ruled the world: Now that I’ve written this, I’m thinking that if this marketing dystopia is “threat level midnight” (I’ve watched…

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A Dose of Positivity

Ideas for Entrepreneurs from a Marketers Who Care Well, 2020 was an unforgettable year. At Tenato, we have been working remotely, and in some cases, very remotely, as one key member of our team had gone to Australia and ended up staying there for about 6 months while trying to get flights home! In thinking…

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5 Elements of a Marketing Personality

I was having a very interesting conversation with a client that specializes in recruitment recently, and since he had done quite a lot of recruitment for sales and marketing professionals, we got into an interesting chat about what kind of personality makes a good marketer….

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Who is your Client: The Company or the Contact?

Before we start, I want to point out that since I am not a lawyer, this is not a legal opinion. It is simply the perspective of a very dedicated marketing consultant and business owner with over twenty years of experience. But if you’ve lost any clients recently, and are feeling a little beaten up, this article may be exactly…

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