Five Blogs You Should Be Following Now KISSmetrics Their software promises to “track, analyze and optimize your digital marketing performance,” and, “show you what’s working and what’s not across all campaigns, mobile and web.” The blog is a wealth of information on digital marketing, from Adwords and social media to metrics and marketing budgets….
Category: News at Tenato
Blogs about new things happening at Tenato Strategy, a business and marketing strategy firm with offices in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto.
Harnessing Rookie Energy
How Thinking Like a Rookie Can Energize Your Marketing Strategy Last month I had the pleasure of attending The Art of Marketing in Calgary. I left feeling inspired by the speakers, in particular Liz Wiseman, author of Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work. Wiseman’s talk got me thinking about…
Marketing Strategy Myths
Watch Out For These Four Common Myths of Marketing Strategy So you know you need a marketing strategy — and that’s good! But once you realize you need one, there are stumbling blocks toward having it work FOR you. There is no use putting in the amount of effort that a marketing strategy requires, only…
New Approaches to Market Research: Part 3
A Round-Up of the 2014 GRIT Report, Part 3 The Green Book Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research publishes an annual report based on a survey of research clients and suppliers. The report, known as the GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) Report, draws on input from over 3000 research professionals, including those from Canada’s Marketing…
New Research Trends: Part 2
A Round-Up of the 2014 GRIT Report, PART 2 The Green Book Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research publishes an annual report based on a survey of research clients and suppliers. The report, known as the GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) Report, draws on input from over 3000 research professionals, including those from Canada’s Marketing…
New Research Trends: Part 1
A Round-Up of the 2014 GRIT Report, PART 1 The Green Book Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research publishes an annual report based on a survey of research clients and suppliers. The report, known as the GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) Report, draws on input from over 3000 research professionals, including those from Canada’s Marketing…