A Marketing Agency that Digs Deep into Market Research and Strategy
We offer market research, strategy and marketing agency support services under one roof. Yes, it’s a lot. But we’ve found that as long as we work with a well-chosen roster of wonderful clients, it’s entirely do-able… and very rewarding.
What pulled us in this direction? When we began in 1996, we assisted mainly small, startup businesses, who often needed us to build full business plans. This gave us an excellent foundation in business strategy.
Today, we support a mixture of startups and well-established business looking to reach the next level. We also enjoy research-only projects, because we understand the growth decisions that need to be made from the research, and what the research needs to clarify. We avoid starting with execution-only projects such as building websites, because it inevitably puts the cart before the horse, causing issues later.
Why offer research, strategy and creative execution all together? Because we know that when any single aspect of the strategy is neglected, it can thwart the success of the entire plan. While we don’t always scope every aspect of our clients’ marketing (e.g. you may have already chosen your sales team, or don’t want to adjust your pricing), we do work with you to fine-tune the whole strategy as thoroughly as we can, and are able to address any issues that might be limiting growth. That’s all part of Tenato’s philosophy of tenacity. We want you to succeed, and we will do everything in our power to support that.
We’ll admit, getting here was not easy. It’s taken over twenty-five years to build reliable resources across the whole team. From research to strategy to execution, we employ a mixture of seasoned, business-minded experts and talented creative technicians, choosing people with reliable characters and amazing track records. We also work closely with our clients to get their teams involved, providing training or guidance to coordinate the entire program.